Writing books, telling stories.

Just Released

Fortune’s Gambit ©2024, Anna Holmes; cover art ©2024, J.E. Holmes

Fortune’s Calling Book 2

Cressida and Miles have escaped from Cinderbloom Academy. Determined to bring its Headmaster to justice for his cruel experiments on students like them, they must spirit his laboratory notebook across the continent to the international Tribunal. If they don’t, the Headmaster’s twisted vision for a better world is just beginning.

As they make their way into Belovia, they endure wave after wave of assault by fellow students. They navigate old hurts, awkward family reunions withintense political ramifications, and questions about the future—all while fighting for their lives— to hold to account the teacher who stole their futures and humanity.

But as they do, Cressida has strange dreams of a devilish entity claiming to be connected to her by the Headmaster’s ritual. Its words cause her to question everything she knows, from history to magic, even to the question she has yet to answer: what is she now?

And is it even possible to be made whole after what the Headmaster has done?

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About the author


Anna Holmes has been making up stories since she was too young to spell. Her novels Ember and Spark are available through Amazon and in paperback through IngramSpark. Visit our store!

Anna has held many strange jobs, including teaching high schoolers how to outwit the SAT, polishing boots and lacing corsets, and what a friend described once as “being a library elf”. She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest United States with her husband, two spoiled cats, and an even-more-spoiled dog. (See them here.)